Burwood Cares

Burwood Cares is an instrumental part of Burwood Group's vision for social responsibility. Through Burwood Cares, we have the conduit to keep our employees plugged in and aware of how they can stay involved throughout the year. Most importantly, it helps bring our employees together to serve with a shared purpose. It truly is an opportunity for all of Burwood — our employees and business partners — to do more with what we have. 

Help Burwood Group Fight Cancer - Be a Part of the Next Breakthrough in Cancer Research

Burwood Group is proud to annually support the American Cancer Society and its mission to fight cancer. This year, Burwood Group proudly sponsors the ACS’s Chicago Select Golf Invitational at Madinah Country Club on September 9th.

Continue to help us improve the health and well-being of our community by maximizing our support for this amazing organization. 100% of the proceeds raised will go directly to cancer research. With your support, we can help people get and stay well, and fight back against the deadly disease.


Burwood Group is joining forces with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Chicago (BGCC) to support their annual giving campaign. Our goal is to raise $10,000. We invite our colleagues, friends, families, and partners to join us. Your gift can help change a child's future. Thank you for helping us support BGCC!


Giving Campaign: Support the Boys and Girls Clubs of Chicago

We are proud to support: